Introduction to the team
Our team are all friendly and professional people who want the best for pupils at Lorenden. Highly qualified teachers are supported by excellent teaching assistants and support staff. The staff at Lorenden are a true team and together exemplify the behaviours expected of pupils. Parents and pupils are made to feel really welcome and staff make every effort to get to know each child in the school.
Lorenden Governors
Mr Philip Harland - Chair
Mr Robert Boyd-Howell - Former Chair and Governor without portfolio
Mr Michael Moore - Governor responsible for Finance
Mrs Georgina Baker - Governor responsible for Safeguarding
Ms Emily Read - Governor responsible for Health and Safety
Ms Marylka Gowlland - Governor responsible for Community and Marketing
Rev Alison Walker - Governor responsible for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
Proprietor Information:
MIST is the Proprietor of Lorenden Prep School
Tel: +44 207 935 3723
66 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3LH
Mr Richard McIntosh (SLT; PSHE Lead; Designated Safeguarding Lead; Computing Lead)
Bursar & Clerk to the Governors
Mr Mark Davis (SLT)
Mrs Nicola McIntosh
Early Years Foundation Stage
Mrs Liz Carroll (SLT; Head of Early Years; E-Safety Lead and Deputy DSL)
Mrs Zoe Stembridge (Reception Teacher and Early Literacy Lead)
Ms Jacqueline Wilton (Nursery Teacher, Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead & Deputy DSL)
Mrs Jennifer Lally (Nursery Teaching Assistant)
Ms Lisa Nutt (Reception Teaching Assistant)
Pre-Prep (Years 1 and 2)
Mrs Helen Ferrett (Year 1 Teacher)
Mrs Amanda Church (Year 2 Teacher and Religious Education Lead)
Mrs Angela Clark (Year 2 Teaching Assistant and Joint Lead of Art & Design)
Mrs Amanda Thompson (Year 1 Teaching Assistant and Joint Lead of Art & Design)
Prep (Years 3-6)
Mrs Naomi Harris (SLT; Deputy Head, Year 5 Teacher and Maths Lead)
Mrs Philippa Charter (Year 6 Teacher and English Lead)
Mrs Laura Ingram (Year 4 Teacher and Science Lead)
Mrs Katie Johnson (Year 3 Teacher and History Lead)
Mrs Sarah Cleur (Year 3 Teacher and Enrichment Lead)
Mrs Sara Hennessy (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Ruth Wilson (Teaching Assistant)
Ms Naomi Tompsett (Teaching Assistant)
Ms Sally-Ann Fentiman (Learning Support Assistant)
Ms Joy Elvy (Learning Support Assistant and SENDCO)
Specialist Subject Teachers (for children of all ages)
Mr Bradley Harvey (Teacher of Games/PE and Forest School Lead)
Mrs Esther Cornell (Teacher of Games)
Mr Ben Saul (Head of Music)
Madame Holland (Head of Modern Foreign Languages)
Mrs Nicola McIntosh (Teacher of Science and Head of English as an Additional Language)
Visiting Staff
Mrs Debbie Swann (SEND Teacher and DEI Lead)
Mrs Gill Taylor (Speech & Drama Teacher and LAMDA Co-ordinator)
Mrs Katy Collins (Piano Teacher)
Mr Simon Thorpe (Singing Teacher)
Ms Joanna MacKenzie (Strings Teacher)
Mr Alex Caldon (Brass Teacher)
Mr Louis Newell (Guitar Teacher)
Mr Matthew Jenkins (Drumming Teacher)
Mr Jeremy Lyons (Piano and Woodwind Teacher)
Support Staff
Mr Derek Bird (Site Manager)
Mr David Lane (Site Assistant and Bus Driver)
Mr Andrew Waterman (Site Assistant and Bus Driver)
Mrs Claire Wiggins (Housekeeper and Cleaning Team Supervisor)
Mrs Hayley Burgess (Assistant Housekeeper)
Mrs Elizabeth Holliday (Cleaning Team Member)
Mrs Toni Micallef (Cleaning and Kitchen Team Member)
Mr Micheal Wiggins (Cleaning and Kitchen Team Member)