The Friends of Lorenden is the school’s charity organisation which aims to enhance the children’s experience and to provide a warm welcome to all. Our ethos is inclusive, democratic and sociable.  We actively encourage participation, new ideas and contributions from anyone associated with the school, either by coming to a meeting, sending a brief email or having an informal chat with your class representative.  

Friends of Lorenden logo

Our activities range from raising funds for projects, to running the weekly cake sale (highlight of many of the children’s weeks!), organising social events and second hand school uniform sales. You can stay in touch with upcoming events via the Lorenden Facebook page, and get a ‘behind the scenes’ glimpse into school goings-on on the school’s Twitter.

We really rely on the support of parents - you can volunteer to do as much or as little as you like, any help is greatly appreciated. It’s a great way to meet people, learn more about the school and help make our children’s experience of school life as rewarding and as much fun as possible.

Thanks and best wishes from the Friends of Lorenden!

Find out more:


Cake sale rota