- Our school uniform is provided through Simmonds online store and can be ordered online.
- View our Lorenden uniform list.
- View Stikins self-adhesive name labels available at Stikins.
School shoes must have heels not higher than 4 cm. We do not allow wedges, slip-on shoes and open-toed sandals as children can trip over and hurt themselves when running at playtimes. Please help us to keep your children safe.
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
This is run by the Friends of Lorenden to provide a service to both parents and the school by:
- Selling second-hand uniform on behalf of parents.
- Raising funds to spend annually on extra resources for the school.
If you have items for sale, please bring them to school and give them to the School Secretary. They must be in good condition, clean and clearly labelled with your name. Unlabelled items will be assumed to be a donation to the shop.
If you wish to purchase items from the second hand uniform store, the School Secretary will be pleased to arrange this for you.